Monday, March 12, 2012

John Lanchester for Time Out

A published spread from a recent commission for Time Out Magazine. I was told that I would only have half an hour to shoot with John Lanchester for a piece centred on his new novel 'Capital'. The book deals with the effect of the banking crisis on the affordability of Londons' properties for those living in the city.
The picture desk had discussed the idea of having a residential type setting as the backdrop to the portrait to tie in with the subject matter. As I would be meeting him at his publishers offices in the centre of town in Bloomsbury I was confident that a suitable location could be found.
I arrived about an hour before our meet time and after a recce of the area found a suitable backdrop in the shape of an entrance to a Georgian block of flats that had been turned into offices

During my recce I also wanted to look into the possibility of a second location and remembering that the area had quite a few antique bookshops popped my head into the first one I found and asked them about the chance of having an impromtu photoshoot on the premises.
The very nice people at Jarndyce Antique Booksellers were more than happy to accommodate and I told them I'd be back shortly with the sitter

The meeting point at the publishers offices was on Great Russell Street and the two locations were within a few minutes walk from each other.
We had around 10 minutes shooting time at each location and were wrapped up within the 30 minutes I had been granted. I had a feeling that the images from the first setting would be the ones that ran in the piece but it's always a nice feeling to give alternative images within a tight time

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