Thursday, January 10, 2013

Catch up...

Had a slight lapse in posts lately, so much so that I've found the Blogger dash board has had a redesign which has kind of thrown me a bit as I post this. Here are a few spreads from a commission last year for RyanAirs in flight magazine, a spotlight feature on the town of Paphos in Cyprus
The shoot was centred on documenting the various sights, bars and restaurants in the town as well as taking portraits of locals to get their thoughts on the place. I only had 48 hours there so it was a job where I was constantly trying to beat the clock, as well as the three portraits I had to photograph fifteen separate locations which was quite a task.
At times like this you need a bit of a miracle and this miracle turned out to be called George, George Georgiou to be exact who you can see in the first spread. Not only did this restaurant owner treat me to the best meal I'd had the whole time I was there (let's just say that I discovered Paphos to not be a destination for Gourmet travellers - Kebab anyone?) but he also took it upon himself to ferry me around on the second day to shoot the remaining locations, what a nice chap!
So it was a pleasant 48 hours spent in the sun, albeit a little rushed but the magazine put me up in a five star hotel which certainly took the edge off. Paphos seemed to be a real destination for Brits abroad so if you visit there you may find yourself having flash backs to old episodes of Eldorado...

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