Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Need directions? Ask a policeman...

...that is if he's not too busy of course.
An image here from the tail end of yesterdays demonstration in Paris against the proposed reforming of the retirement laws. The manifestation, or 'manif' as they are referred to, was largely peaceful (as usual) during the day as people gathered around the Bastille to make their protests heard.
The rally ended at Nation and as darkness fell the smaller number of protestors that remained refused to allow the traffic back onto the busy roundabout and (as usual) the French riot police the CRS had to gently hurry things along a bit.
I finished shooting yesterday evening and returned back to the apartment to quickly pack and was on the Eurostar first thing this morning (this morning?, let me see, yes it was this morning) back to London. It's the first chance I've had to look through the images and I'll do a complete edit tomorrow morning (no lie in as I've got another shoot in the evening) and will post a selection of images from throughout the day shortly

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